Summer 2021 Classes and Workshops
Don't miss the Persian language, art and cultural programs offered this summer , for kids and adults.
NEW: Magic Carpet Travelers [Ages 9 to 14]
Fun-Packed Virtual Expeditions to 5 Iranian Cities in 5 Weeks
Tuesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 pm (CST), June 15 to July 13
1-hour workshops, covering historic sites in cities of Shiraz, Tabriz, Isfahan, Yazd, Tehran: $150
NEW: Iranian Arts Explorers [Ages 9 to 14]
Each Workshop Explores One of the Iconic Iranian Creative Arts
Tuesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 pm (CST), July 20 to August 17
1-hour Hands-on workshop, including crafts related to Iranian architecture, title art, mirror art, carpet, calligraphy: $150
NEW: Persian Conversation and Vocabulary-Building [Kids/Teens/Adults]
Available for every language level, tailored to student's need and pace
Private and semi-private lessons (1 hour) with flexible time & number of sessions (see here for cost)
Persian Reading & Writing [Kids/Teens/Adults] Available for every language level, tailored to student's need and pace
Private and semi-private lessons (1 hour) with flexible time & number of sessions (see here for cost)
Painting / Sketching / Modern Persian Miniature / Photography [Age 10 through Adults] Taught by master artist, Payman Shaykholeslam
Private and Semi-private Classes For all levels, In-person and Online (check for the cost)
