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Meet-the-Teacher Day, Oct. 8

Parents of every class meet with the teacher, in the classroom, as a group, to discuss the class academic goals and expectations.

When: Oct. 8, 2023, from 1:30 to 2:00 pm

Where: Inside each classroom

Who: At least one parent for each student needs to join the meeting with the teacher


  1. Attending via Zoom is reserved for exceptional circumstances such as illness (must be coordinated at least 24 hr before the event).

  2. While parents are meeting with the teachers inside the classrooms, students age 5 and older will be supervised in the common area by the school admin.

  3. Joojeh students remain inside the class with their parents.

    1. Meeting time for Joojeh 1: 12:00-12:15

    2. Meeting time for Joojeh 2: 1:30-1:45


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